Filthy Rich Writer Reviews

Want to start writing copy?
There’s no better way to learn.

Here’s something that you might not know about me: I haven’t always been a copywriter. In fact, I’ve held close to a dozen different jobs. Hey, you don’t always get it right the first time—or the second, or the third…

It was while I was in yet another job that was just getting me by that I decided I was going to make a change. I’d been doing copywriting as part of various jobs for years, so I knew it was something that I could do, something that really interested me. I just needed a way to hone my skills, so I started looking around. It wasn’t long before I found the perfect answer: the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy.

There are a handful of copywriting courses out there. There are even a few that look pretty good. So how did I know this was the right one?

Simple: Nicki convinced me.

I came across a free webinar given by Nicki Krawczyk, the founder and teacher of the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (CCA). Nicki’s introduction to her course was easy to follow, and what’s more, it was easy to see myself learning from it. When the webinar ended, I signed up immediately, and I haven’t looked back since.

If you’re thinking about getting into copywriting, the CCA is for you.

Any course can teach you what a benefit is. Any course can tell you that writing for print is different than writing for digital media. Any course can give you tips for your portfolio. Nicki and the CCA give you so much more than that.

Want to learn how to write compelling Facebook ads? Check. Have a client who wants you to do a banner ad, a postcard, and a brochure? Not a problem. Not sure how to price your services? Don’t worry; that’s covered. Nicki doesn’t just give you the basics. She goes in depth into everything you need to get comfortable with copywriting, and then explains a few more things on top of that.

It doesn’t stop there, though. One of the best things about the CCA is the Facebook group, where every member of the CCA can post questions and interact with each other and give feedback. Nicki and head copy coach Kate are constantly answering questions, and the wealth of knowledge from other copywriters at various stages in their careers is invaluable.

And on top of that, there are monthly coaching calls, where Nicki answers your questions in a live Facebook call.

When I looked at everything that was on offer, it was impossible for me to say no. All of that information, all of those resources, right at my fingertips? A coach who was encouraging, supportive, and helpful? A group full of people like me, sharpening their skills to become copywriters?

I wasn’t going to turn that down!

If you think copywriting might be for you, sign up for the CCA. If you want to jump into a challenging, rewarding, ever-changing career, sign up for the CCA. If you want to hone your skills among like-minded people who are great at giving feedback, sign up for the CCA.

What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

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